I have been crocheting since I was about 10 years old. I started knitting just a couple of years ago. I’m a basic crochet and knitter. Nothing to intricate or fancy. I usually like to crochet because I don’t have to think too much, it’s a stress reliever. I also love to make projects for family and friends. These are just a sample of items that I’ve done in recent years. I wish I had what I made when I was 10, but we’ll just have to imagine what that stuff looked like!
I will update this page with more pictures and links so you can check back as often as you like to see what I’ve done and maybe make some items to share with me as well.
If you’re interested in the yarn, patterns or details of the projects, click on the links to the ravelry.com info. If there isn’t detail, please let me know and I’m happy to share.
You can also follow me on ravelry/tishcabezas