Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I made these cotton flour sack dish towels a few years ago for my aunt and my mom. I kept one for myself too cause it was too cute not to!
Supplies Needed
I chose remnants of 5 different coordinating fabrics and one solid.
one cotton flour sack
embroidery needle and thread in color of your choice
light weight fusible web
I cut a 4 1/2″ for a border for two edges. I used the iron to fold it over and also tuck all edges. It was easiest to iron it and then pin it to the fabric. I thoroughly pinned it to the edge so that it wouldn’t shift or move. I then did a blanket stitch around all of the open edges making sure that I incorporated the front of the fabric to the back of the piece evenly.

I lightly ironed 4 coordinating fabrics to squares of the light weight fusible web material just to tack the material together. I then cut 3 different sizes of hearts of the fabric and fusible web. I also did the same for the solid red, cutting five small hearts.
Then iron the hearts to the cotton flour sack in the design that is appealing to you. I used a pink thread to tightly stitch a blanket stitch around each heart.
Each year, I break it out as a table covering rather than use it for a kitchen towel. It’s a Valentine’s favorite! Hope you make some of your own. Happy Valentine’s Day!